Advertising on Website


Front Page Advertising (Post Position)

P1 = POSITION 1 = € 70,00 per month

P2 = POSITION 2 = € 65,00 per month

P3 = POSITION 3 = € 60,00 per month

P4 = POSITION 4= € 55,00 per month

P5 = POSITION 5= € 50,00 per month

P6 = POSITION 6= € 45,00 per month

P7 = POSITION 7= € 40,00 per month

P8 = POSITION 8= € 35,00 per month

P9 = POSITION 9= € 30,00 per month

P10 = POSITION 10= € 25,00 per month

P11 = POSITION 11= € 20,00 per month

P12 = POSITION 12 = € 16,00 per month

P13= POSITION 13= € 14,00 per month

P14 = POSITION 14 = € 12,00 per month

P15= POSITION 15 = € 10,00 per month

Clickable banner

A1 = Advertisemen 1 Your Clickable banner

Position on the top of the sidebar. Showing with click on any post.

Price € 80,00 per month

A2 = Advertisemen 2 Your Clickable banner

Position on thebottom of every POST ( banner is inside the post). Showing with click on any post.

Price € 90.00 per month

You want to advertise?

Please contact us on